Looking to dispose of your unwanted household items, such as mattresses, appliances, furniture, and tires without rims? On Saturday, March 29, 2025, Kern County Public Works, in partnership with Cesar Chavez Environmental Corps, American Refuse, and The City of Wasco will be hosting a FREE Bulky Waste Collection Event.
Wasco Bulky Waste Collection Event
Saturday, March 29, 2025
8 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Barker Park
1218 Poplar Avenue, Wasco, CA
Don't have a way to transport your bulky waste items to the Wasco event?
City of Wasco's Code Compliance will pick up a maximum of four (4) bulky waste items for the first 30 residents who register with them. Contact them at 661-758-7216 or 661-758-7213 to be added to their curbside pickup list. For this FREE service, residents must register by 5 PM on Thursday, March 27, 2025, and reside within the City of Wasco.
Looking to volunteer or have any questions about this service? Contact the phone numbers listed above.
Click here to learn more information about this event or for the list of accepted items.